

Understanding National Pension Scheme (NPS)

Most of our clients as well as my friends are attracted towards NPS as a tax saving tool. Unfortunately, they are not fully aware about the pros and cons of parking funds in NPS. Through this article, I am attempting to simplify the concept of NPS. I would also attempt at throwing some light on how .. Read More>>

Decoding 'Cryptocurrency'

Many of our clients, at K&R Planners, have been enquiring about “Bitcoin” as an investment option. Thanks to the exorbitant returns, this has caught the attention of one and all. Most of them are however unaware about the concept and how it works. Through this write-up, I am attempti.. Read More>>

Can systematic investment plans (SIP) fail?

With the equity markets registering record highs, the asset under management (AUM) of mutual fund (MF) crosses 20.40 lakh crores as on September 30, 2017. AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds in India) data shows that the MF industry had added about 8.80 lakhs SIP accounts each month on an average duri.. Read More>>

Investor’s dilemma – Selecting mutual fund schemes

Recently I happened to talk to one of my ex-colleague about his personal finances. At the age of about 35 years, he is well placed professionally and has been much disciplined in managing his finances. About 80% of his investments or savings were in immovable assets and in risk free investment avenu.. Read More>>

Provident Fund - Little known facts

2018 has arrived and I would like to wish all my readers and friends a very Happy and Prosperous Year! Personally, 2017 has been a milestone year for me. After 4 years of homework and preparations, I finally could gather enough courage to start my entrepreneurial journey. June 01, 2017 was the date .. Read More>>